4 min readJan 27, 2021


Building Dreams

Jan 27

If you’re truly serious about having the health, finances, business, and success that you really desire in your life, you’re going to love this week’s letter/article because I am going to dive into a topic that very few people ever consider when they continue to feel stress, overwhelm and anything else in their life that creates a lack of joy.

Warriors…the fact that you are reading this instead of moving on to your next thing tells me that you are a person who truly wants to experience peace, abundance, and happiness in your life, aren’t you?

The fourth and final pillar of my business, in my interpretation, seals the deal and blends in beautifully with my other three pillars: Chinese Medicine, Spirituality, and Brainset. The fourth pillar, Energy Balance, is paramount. Because Energy, Warriors, is everything, is it not?

Energy is what so many of us crave more of in our day to day life.

Energy is what we sense in another person or a situation when something feels ‘off’, but we can’t really explain why.

Energy, or ‘Qi’ in Chinese Medicine, is not only our body’s life force and the life force of all living things on Earth, but it is also the energy of the Universe. Without energy, there is no Universe, is there?

Energy is our minds, our thoughts, our feelings, and money, which is an energetic exchange.

How much more evidence do you need, Warrior, that Energy.Is.Everything?

And for those of you Warriors out there who may be noticing that there is never enough energy to get through the day, I invite you to consider this: Energy is a most precious resource. If you are not feeling energized and excited about your life most of the time, (notice I say most of the time), then I invite you to consider what is causing you to not have the energy you desire and deserve?

Are you spending too much in the giving or over-giving energy of the Masculine, and not enough time in the receiving energy of the Feminine?

Are you tolerating the energy zapping habits of others when you could be putting down energy restoring boundaries to protect your energy?

Are you finding that you are often immersed in patterns of controlling others, worry, gossip, self destructive thinking, and other energy-zapping behaviors and habits?

So here’s the thing, Warriors..if you’re still reading this, my guess is that you are really relating to what I’m saying, aren’t you?

As you’ll probably soon discover, (first name), the world is changing and evolving at rapid speed. Children born today are more in tune with their higher selves than ever, and are more in tune to their intuition than any other generation. Humans are waking up, and realizing that their lives are the way they are because of the subconscious beliefs, habits, and values that they have held onto since birth are still running the show.

But successful people realize, Warrior, that in order to eliminate self sabotaging behaviors and habits, that it isn’t a matter of things just being ‘the way they just are’ anymore, but it is a matter of choosing the direction of your life by changing their subconscious beliefs, habits, and values.

Isn’t that really amazing and exciting, Warriors?

So let’s face it: Out of all those who read this to the end, maybe 1–5% of you will read this and will really get it.

Not everyone is ready to face themselves and change, Warriors.

Even if you follow me, only a small percentage of you will take the necessary actions to change your life.

And if you’re in that small percentage who gets it, and you’re feeling a little curious, let me help you.

Allow me to be your guide to your next level of transformation.

Book a single call with me and allow me to help you.

Life is freakin short, Warriors. 2020 was brutal.

Where are you going to be in another year from now if you don’t take the leap and Reclaim Your F.I.R.E.?

Schedule your single session with me today, Warrior (first name)

My wish for you this year is that you expand and grow beyond your wildest dreams.

I wish that you bring on the F.I.R.E, ( Financial Abundance, Inner Peace, Radiance, and Energy Alignment) that you DESIRE in 2021.

I am so excited for you and your expansion this year.

With love and all the things you DESIRE,

PS: If you’re not ready for coaching yet, my podcast, ‘The Empowered Warrior’, is approaching the 8 month mark. Join the movement in helping humanity heal by listening to an episode!

FOLLOW me on social media and enjoy new content daily so you can become a more powerful you.

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Written by Angela

The Empowered Warrior Podcast; Founder and Host I help stressed-out entrepreneurs and business owners find Yin and Yang in their lives.

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